Let’s go

Note that all the CCTV cameras are operated and connected to the Wi-Fi network. so if I wanted to hack into CCTV camera system I must get into the Wi-Fi network. Now there are a lot of easy ways and articles with which you can find on how to hack Wi-Fi networks.

So I will skip this step. After getting access to a Wi-Fi network the first thing I did is I typed the router address into the browsers URL.  

If you are not sure about whats the IP address for the specific router you can simply look for a router, it’s brand and just simply Google it. Like if I want to know the IP address [Admin Panel address] of a TP-link router I will Google “TP Link admin panel IP address” that’s it and you will get it. !

Now moving towards all I have to do is to get into the router setting now most of the time people don’t change the default username and password for the router so you can always try for simple configuration like :

AUsername: password Admin:admin Admin:12345

And there are a lot of things! you can get the list on the internet just simply Google “the router name brand and the default username and password”. if your friend is smart enough to change the username and password you can still get into it refer to this article: You want password cracking then you seaech my name on search bar and learn


Since he was using the default username and password I got into its routers admin panel

then I remember that he had few webcams and few devices connected to it. Luckily in the admin table, I configure and figure out all the devices with hostname. Like if you are using a Lenovo PC then it’s name should be there likeLenovo laptop if you are using a mobile of Samsung the it should display etc and you can just assume that rest of the devices are printer or webcam for CCTV cameras. etc.

So instead of searching to all the connected devices and looking for the open port I decided to use a smart way I decided an app to view the stream of the webcam that automatically find all the CCTV cameras connected to the network with the same Wi-Fi

Now I know that what was the company of the CCTV cameras so I search the company name model and its vulnerability it had one vulnerability and I took advantage of it.

I examine the vulnerable code and I found that there is a vulnerability which can be exploited to get into the webcam so I open the termux app on my cell phone and started to hack into a system

wget | strings | nan

checking the memory leak I couldn’t find the password so I search forward with exactly words like admin because I thought that admin is the default username and password is usually near the username and it was a lucky guess! I was able to find the username and password so I took the advantage of this vulnerability and easily hack into the system

The very next thing I did was to report the vulnerability to the company’s office and my friend I also advised him to change the default username and password and give him a tip that the username and password should be difficult which includes hexadecimal character and a combination of capital and small alphabets with also some special characters and numeric values!

This way you can hack into any CCTV camera if it has a vulnerability.

With just some googling and basic knowledge you can do this very easily. Share this article and I will soon share more awesome Hacking related and pentesting related articles.


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