Here are the most advanced in functionality top android remote administration tools (RATS) of 2022.
DroidJack gives you the power to establish control over your beloveds’ Android devices with an easy to use GUI and all the features you need to monitor them. It have many advanced features that you can perform over the remote smartphone. DroidJack is one of the top list as it also have the functionality to read/write WhatsApp messages.
Click here to download and for complete features.
OmniRAT is the super powerful multi OS remote administration tool that can a smartphone either using a smartphone or using a Windows or Mac PC. It have huge list of features that make it very powerful. It can make calls through that smartphone remotely. It’s completely fully undetectable.
Click here to download and for complete features.
AndroRat is a client/server application developed in Java Android for the client side and in Java/Swing for the Server. The name AndroRat is a mix of Android and RAT (Remote Access Tool). It was developed as a project by the university students, which works great in hacking into android devices.
Click here to download and for complete features.
SpyNote is a light weight Android remote administration tool (RAT) to hack into a smartphone device remotely. It gives you the power to establish control over android devices with an easy to use GUI and all the features you need to monitor them. Build a custom APK or bind the payload to an already existing APK such as a game or social media app.
Click here to download and for computer features.
You can download SpyNote v3.2, SpyNote v4 and SpyNote v5 and also can check out complete features.
AhMyth is a powerful android remote administrator tool that gives you the power to establish control over your beloveds’ android devices with an easy to use GUI and all the features you need to monitor them.
Click here to download and for complete features.
Dendroid is a one of most popular and emerging android remote administration tools. It’s the new toy for the cyber-criminals to take over remote android devices easily. Dendroid can be used to create backdoor and to take full control of the android devices through adding code to the legitimate apps. It connects back to the command-and-control server over HTTP and gives attackers full access to perform a different malicious actions on the target device.
Click here to download and for complete features.
SpyMax is the upgraded version of Spynote that has the most powerful remote features. It has many features which allows a user to access remote computer as an administrator. Spy MAX is a remote administration tools allows a user to control the system with a Graphical User Interface (GUI). It is capable of taking complete control of victim’s machine.
You can download older versions as well like SpyMax v2, SpyMax v1 and check out complete features.
These are all the top android remote administration tools of 2022.
that's great